

Friday, August 12, 2011

iPhone 5 Rumor Roundup [Video By NowhereElse]

There are hell lot of sites who post frequently about Apple’s next iteration of iPhone codenamed “iPhone 5”. iPhone rumour news might sound interesting to some while those who find it utter nonsense try to get rid from it. It is highly speculated that Apple is going to introduce the next version of iPhone very soon at an event in September.
Now, if you’re tempted to get an idea of Next iPhone, then you don’t need to search across the web for iPhone 5 rumors. The guys over at NowhereElse have produced a really impressive video that gives an insight of the most anticipated hardware changes that Apple fanboys are looking forward to see in iPhone 5. Watch it below:
Apple fanboys are looking forward to see in iPhone 5. Watch it below:
I hope you enjoyed the above roundup video. Do share your iPhone 5 wish list. :)


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